Certainly we must be cautious of the words we allow to go into our ears. Jesus said in Mark 4:24, “Take heed what you hear.” Nowadays I avoid listening to most of today’s hits because of the increasing amount of profanity in the lyrics. There are currently two songs in Billboard’s Top 20 that have the F-word in its title. Shockingly, one of them (by rapper Cee-Lo Green) is up for two major Grammy awards: Record of the Year and Song of the Year!
Nevertheless, secular songs can be used by the Lord to minister to people. I attended services at Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship where the worship band played classic rock hits like “Love Is All Around” and “All Right Now” but sang them to the Lord. The same thing was done at a conference in Atlanta, Georgia with the Black Eyed Peas’ smash “I Gotta Feeling.” Another church I visited in Pensacola, Florida modified the second verse of the James Brown classic “I Got You (I Feel Good)” by singing, “I feel nice...because of Christ.” Liverpool, England native John Scotland often sings Beatles songs while ministering when the lyrics fit in with a topic he’s talking about.
Yesterday I met a couple that has a house church in Texas. The wife started talking about the old Eagles song “Desperado” and how the lyrics could describe someone running away from the Lord. That prompted me to find the song on YouTube and play it on my laptop computer. This woman started weeping and interceding as the presence of God came upon her.
Don’t let religious people sell you the idea that all secular music is of the devil. God is the true author of artistic works and can put His anointing on anything used for His glory.
“The earth is the LORD’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein.” - Psalm 24:1
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