"Chill & Refill", the follow-up album to "New Wine Party", is now available. Featuring a mixture of electronic music with the anointed preaching of John Scotland, "Chill" is mellower but more polished than "Party." My prayer is that this album will minister joy to everyone that hears it. If you want to preview "Chill & Refill", samples of it can be heard on MySpace...
If you are interested in purchasing a CD, you may do so by sending $15 through PayPal or my snail mail address. John Scotland will also sell the album at his meetings. To find out when John might be ministering in your area, go to www.johnscotland.org
Keep drinking! :D
I'm loving this! I've blogged about it . If you want to send me review albums I'll review 'em. Just drop me a line at zoecarnate [at] gmail [dot] com.